Finsbury Park Theatre is playing host to a new art exhibition celebrating Black History Month.
Flo Awolaja’s exhibition Making Stories Telling Tales aims to immerse viewers in the history of her Nigerian heritage.
Awoja said of the exhibition that she was inspired by “the journey of our ancestors from the shores of Afrika” and also considers the role of the UK and colonialism in Africa’s history.
The exhibition includes a mixture of story telling and fabric prints inspired by Awoja’s mother. The use of fabrics to tell the story of Africa is important for Awoja who explained that they “hark back to West-African traditions of using textiles as a means of commemoration and communication, taking them and placing them in a contemporary setting.”
Flo Awolaja’s Making Stories Telling Tales runs through the Park Theatre’s circle, stalls and mezzanine corridors until November 27.
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HeadlineBlack History Month celebrated with visuals and story telling at Finsbury Park Theatre
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Finsbury Park Theatre is playing host to a new art exhibition celebrating Black History Month.
Flo Awolaja’s exhibition Making Stories Telling Tales aims to immerse viewers in the history of her Nigerian heritage.
Awoja said of the exhibition that she was inspired by “the journey of our ancestors from the shores of Afrika” and also considers the role of the UK and colonialism in Africa’s history.
The exhibition includes a mixture of story telling and fabric prints inspired by Awoja’s mother. The use of fabrics to tell the story of Africa is important for Awoja who explained that they “hark back to West-African traditions of using textiles as a means of commemoration and communication, taking them and placing them in a contemporary setting.”
Flo Awolaja’s Making Stories Telling Tales runs through the Park Theatre’s circle, stalls and mezzanine corridors until November 27.