Pleasance Theatre
Poster for celebrity court drama musical.

A play about Gwyneth Paltrow’s skiing accident with a retired optometrist from Utah is set to debut as “Gwyneth Goes Skiing” at London’s Pleasance Theatre.

The play is based on the court trial between Ms Paltrow and optometrist, Mr Sanderson, that took place earlier this year.

The trial began when Mr Sanderson filed a suit against the Hollywood star. He claimed he had head injuries and broken ribs after a skiing crash with Ms Paltrow. He originally sued the star for $3 million. Ms Paltrow counter sued for $1 claiming he was the one who skied into her.

Joseph Martin and Linus Karp will play the roles of Terry Sanderson and Gwyneth Paltrow, with original music from the songwriter of RuPauls, Leland.

The televised two-week trial created a series of memes which often used the quote from Mr Sanderson: “you skied directly into my effing back!”

Georgie Blyth, Pleasance Theatres press representative said: “We’re gooped! It’s been so much fun to watch it go viral across the world. It’s made us all the more excited to open the show on December 13th”

“The world of celebrity has always been camp, and taking these events all the way to court is entertainment for the masses.

The courtroom is theatre in and of itself, especially when there’s a Hollywood superstar saying things like “I lost half a day of skiing”.”