John Kent investigates if pollution and male sperm counts are linked

As the dangers of air Pollution continue to be studied, we can see how levels differ dramatically even in the short distance between Northampton Square and Euston Road. With various health issues being blamed on pollution, increasing male infertility rates is the latest, with male sperm count reducing by a reported 1.5% every year.

Can we link the two together though? Nutritional expert Gus Martin has had experience dealing with infertile clients, and effect that toxins have on male hormone levels

With nearly 25 million people passing through Euston Station everyday though, it would be a big claim to say they are all putting their fertility at risk. Gus though was adamant on its effect.

We approached a NHS genetic consultant, to ask if it is too simplistic to blame conception problems on Euston road. With nearly 20% of couples now struggling to conceive naturally, but experts feel there are other factors.

This is clearly a question that will continue to develop, with the NHS still unsure on the impact pollution from Euston Road has on male infertility. As studies though, it is something that men should continue to watch. In the meantime, the NHS say you should see your local GP with any concerns.