After speaking to local residents, it remains clear that most of them believe Gandhi played an important part in the area.
‘Before that time, the working class people used to work for factories or restaurants, but now kids don’t want to do that’ a resident told me.
During his visit to the capital in 1931, Gandhi decided to stay at Kingsley Hall, a community centre in Bromley By Bow instead of a 5 star hotel which had been provided for him. He chose the Hall because it was a refuge for the poor.
His stay allowed him to live with the working class people for 12 weeks and work on improving their living conditions.
Today, the Gandhi Foundation based in Kingsley Hall works on maintaining Gandhi’s legacy.
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HeadlineEast London remembers Gandhi who died 70 years ago today
Short HeadlineEast London remembers Gandhi who died 70 years ago
After speaking to local residents, it remains clear that most of them believe Gandhi played an important part in the area.
‘Before that time, the working class people used to work for factories or restaurants, but now kids don’t want to do that’ a resident told me.
During his visit to the capital in 1931, Gandhi decided to stay at Kingsley Hall, a community centre in Bromley By Bow instead of a 5 star hotel which had been provided for him. He chose the Hall because it was a refuge for the poor.
His stay allowed him to live with the working class people for 12 weeks and work on improving their living conditions.
Today, the Gandhi Foundation based in Kingsley Hall works on maintaining Gandhi’s legacy.
Inside Success Union CIC claim to empower vulnerable young people, but allegations of underpayment and concerns over their fundraising practices are undermining their message.