But Uber appealed this and when asked today at Mayor’s Question Time, Sadiq Khan said that ‘My understanding is that it could go on for a number of years.’
This is important for Londoners, as the taxi company are allowed to keep trading whilst the appeal process is still going on. If the Mayor’s comments prove correct, Uber will be in capital for the foreseeable future.
When TfL made their decision a few months ago, Uber said they ‘were determined to make things right.’
They were criticised over failing to carry out sufficient background checks and neglecting their responsibility to report serious crimes.
An estimated 3.5 million people use Uber in London.
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HeadlineMayor: ‘Uber’s London license appeal could take years’
Short HeadlineMayor: 'Uber appeal could take years'
But Uber appealed this and when asked today at Mayor’s Question Time, Sadiq Khan said that ‘My understanding is that it could go on for a number of years.’
This is important for Londoners, as the taxi company are allowed to keep trading whilst the appeal process is still going on. If the Mayor’s comments prove correct, Uber will be in capital for the foreseeable future.
When TfL made their decision a few months ago, Uber said they ‘were determined to make things right.’
They were criticised over failing to carry out sufficient background checks and neglecting their responsibility to report serious crimes.
An estimated 3.5 million people use Uber in London.