Kevin Spacey has faced several allegations of inappropriate behaviour.
A statement from the theatre said those who made allegations had “felt unable to raise concerns” and that Kevin Spacey “operated without sufficient accountability.”
The Old Vic said it was “clearly unacceptable” and apologised “for not creating an environment or culture where people felt able to speak freely.”
The theatre also promised to find a “new way forward” to ensure the Old Vic was a “safe and secure working environment for all”.
Kevin Spacey has faced several allegations in the past month of inappropriate sexual conduct.
He has since been dropped from the final season of Netflix’ House of Cards, which will continue without him.
The actor has also been removed from upcoming film, All the Money in the World, even though it had already been filmed.
The film tells the story of John Paul Getty, who’s son was kidnapped by terrorists and held to ransom. He will be replaced in the role by Christopher Plummer.
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HeadlineKevin Spacey: Old Vic reveals 20 allegations
Short HeadlineKevin Spacey: Old Vic allegations
A statement from the theatre said those who made allegations had “felt unable to raise concerns” and that Kevin Spacey “operated without sufficient accountability.”
The Old Vic said it was “clearly unacceptable” and apologised “for not creating an environment or culture where people felt able to speak freely.”
The theatre also promised to find a “new way forward” to ensure the Old Vic was a “safe and secure working environment for all”.
Kevin Spacey has faced several allegations in the past month of inappropriate sexual conduct.
He has since been dropped from the final season of Netflix’ House of Cards, which will continue without him.
The actor has also been removed from upcoming film, All the Money in the World, even though it had already been filmed.
The film tells the story of John Paul Getty, who’s son was kidnapped by terrorists and held to ransom. He will be replaced in the role by Christopher Plummer.