They’re usually carried by celebrities, and models on Catwalks. A Louis Vuitton handbag will usually set you back the same cost of a small car – which is why it’s appealing to get these handbags at knock-out prices from a Facebook page.

But yesterday Westminster Magistrates’ Court slapped Miss Martin with a hefty fine, after she was found guilty on four counts of selling counterfeit Louis Vuitton handbags via Facebook.

The Judge ordered Miss Martin to pay £800 for the four offences, a £30 victim surcharge, and £625 towards prosecution fees, totalling at £1,455 .

The case was brought to court privately by a company that represents Trade Mark holders. TMI presented evidence to the court that showed undercover operatives communicating and meeting up with Miss Martin, before making a sale of a counterfeit handbag.

Miss Martin pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and was described by her defence as a good character. Wrapping up the case the judge said he’d taken her personal finances into account, and the fine was appropriate for the offences.