Lenny Hagland, chairman of the Islington Boxing Club, says that more than one source of funding will be required for the redevelopment of the boxing club.

Islington boxing club has seen its future guaranteed after a new deal with Islington council, who re-newed the club’s lease for another 25 years.

Lenny Hagland is Chairman of the Islington Boxing Club and stated that if they can fundraise all of the money then the lease will be extended to 99 years. Mr. Hagland is unsure where the funding will come from but cites the Sports Council and the National Lottery as possible sources.

He is, however, confident that there will need to be a few more funding sources to raise the money to extend the lease up to 99 years.

The club which has been open to women, men and children since 1981 are now looking for a redevelopment deal.

Redevelopment on the site on Hazellville Road will result in the iconic red building being knocked down.  Committee members said  it was suppose to be a temporary site  following the construction of the Elthorne Estate in the 1970’s.