The Camden Boccia League has been nominated alongside Snow-Camp: Snowsports Programme Journe and LA LIGA Female Recreation Football League.

The London Together Award recognises initiatives that use sport to bring together diverse communities across London.

These can be independent or in collaboration with other schemes.

What is Boccia?

Boccia is a sport similar to bowls, but the competitors are in wheelchairs. The sport was initially set up for people with cerebral palsy, but is now open to everyone.

The aim is to get the coloured balls as close to the white jack as possible.

Andrew Gilbert, Community Sport and Physical Activity Officer for Camden Council said “being shortlisted has brought a huge smile to everyone’s face.”

“All Camden Boccia League participants are really proud of the achievement so far and looking forward to attending the awards ceremony.”

The awards will take place at Wembley Stadium on the 8th March.

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